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Keycaps Articles

【GMK keycaps color classification】Grey/Grey Blue/Dark Blue (I)

The collection in this issue is gray, excluding the keycaps that are only used for return, ESC, or arrow keys. The collection range is all GMK keycaps from 2013 to 2020. If there are any omissions, please add them in the comment area. (The ranking order is entirely random).


  1.   GMK 80082GMK-80082-keycaps
  2.   GMK Apollo
  3.   GMK Ashes
  4.   GMK Avanguardi
  5.   GMK Blue Samurai
  6.   GMK Boneyard
  7.   GMK Burgundy R3
  8.   GMK Bushido
  9.   GMK Dark
  10.   GMK Dolch R2
  11.   GMK Dolch R5
  12.   GMK Evil Dolch
  13.   GMK Fundamentals
  14.   GMK HammerHead
  15.   GMK Hero
  16.   GMK Honor
  17.   GMK HyperFuse Origins R2
  18.   GMK Lunar
  19.   GMK Modern Dolch Light
  20.   GMK Modern Dolch R2
  21.   GMK Monokai Material
  22.   GMK Mudbeam
  23.   GMK Muted Retro
  24.   GMK Nord
  25.   GMK Pixel
  26.   GMK Pono
  27.   GMK Prepress
  28.   GMK Rainy Day
  29.   GMK Red Samurai R2
  30.   GMK Redline
  31.   GMK Sloth
  32.   GMK Space Cadet II
  33.   GMK Stealth
  34.   GMK ThinkCaps
  35.   GMK Wild
  36.   GMK βeta



    1.   GMK 8008
    2.   GMK 9009 R3
    3.   GMK Alter
    4.   GMK Ascii
    5.   GMK Darskel
    6.   GMK Deep Space
    7.   GMK DMG R2
    8. GMK Dracula
    9.   GMK DualShot
    10.   GMK Eclipse
    11.   GMK First Love
    12.   GMK Fro.Yo
    13.   GMK High Voltage
    14.   GMK Honeywell
    15.   GMK Lime
    16.   GMK Missing Keys
    17.   GMK Nines
    18.   GMK Oblivion R2
    19.   GMK Paperwork
    20.   GMK Phosphorous
    21.   GMK SkIIdata
    22.   GMK Sky Modo
    23.   GMK Toxic
    24.   GMK Umbra
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